

The Challenge

Fairphone is a social enterprise company which aims to develop smartphones that are designed and produced with minimal environmental impact.

Due to the corona restrictions, Fairphone is not be able to have a physical launch event as they have had in previous years.

For the launch of the Fairphone 4 was asked to create two online launch events.

My roll in this process was the editing and animations for the livestream, tutorial and training videos.

Fairphone 4

The Backstory

Alles begon met een bewustwordingscampagne. We wilden het bewustzijn rond het gebruik van conflictmineralen en de ontginningspraktijken in de elektronicasector vergroten. En daar kwamen heel wat reacties op! In 2013 besloten we meer te doen met deze beweging, en een bedrijf op te richten. Idealisme was onze drijfveer. Verandering stimuleert ons om door te gaan.

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Video tutorials

The Fairphone 4 is the most sustainable smartphone yet. The really special part? It’s yours to open, yours to repair and yours to keep, so you can easily repair it yourself with a standard screwdriver. 
My roll: Editing of eight tutorial clips